Refreshments are served after each service in St. Barnabas’.
Sunday 16th March – Lent 2. Sung Holy Communion at 10.30 am.
Wednesday 19th March. Sung Holy Communion at 12.30 pm.
Sunday 23rd March – Lent 3. Sung Holy Communion at 10.30 am.
Wednesday 26th March. Sung Holy Communion at 12.30 pm.
Sunday 30th March – Lent 4 (Mothering Sunday). Sung Holy Communion at 10.30 am.
Wednesday 2nd April. Sung Holy Communion at 12.30 pm.
Sunday 6th April – Passion Sunday. Sung Holy Communion at 2.30 pm.
Wednesday 9th April. Sung Holy Communion at 12.30 pm.
Sunday 13th April – Palm Sunday. Sung Holy Communion at 10.30 am.
Monday 14th April – 7.00pm at Liberton Kirk. Passover meal (ticket required).
Wednesday 16th April – 7.00pm at St. Gregory’s RC Church. Ecumenical Stations of the Cross.
Thursday 17th April – Maundy Thursday; venue t.b.c. 7.30pm Joint service of Holy Communion with the Tron Kirk.
Friday 18th April – Good Friday. 10.15am meet outside Craigour Primary School and walk to Morrisons supermarket for the 11.00am SEECAT service.
Friday 18th April – Good Friday. 3.00pm service at Gracemount High School.
Sunday 20th April – Easter Day. Sung Holy Communion at 10.30am.
Wednesday 23rd April. Prayer service at 12.30pm.
Friday 25th April. Messy Church, 2.00pm at Millerhill.
Sunday 27th April – Easter 1. Sung Holy Communion at 10.30am.